Nashville bids Jim ‘adieu!’…

On my departure, some words from colleagues:

“…you’re such an impeccable player, so insightful and full of spirit; and keeping the big picture in mind. I’ve always been honored that you’ve chosen me to play your sessions on so many occasions. The choices in this town are overwhelming and to have a knowledgeable player/producer as yourself include me is a feather in my cap that I proudly wear (at least in my own house).”        Tim Lorsch, fiddle

“I’ve really enjoyed the recording sessions I’ve done with you the last few years and will miss getting together with the crew over at your place and making music.  I’m sure with all your studio engineering and arranging experience and your fine playing you will be a welcome asset to the music community there.

And remember, with all the new technology, miles don’t really separate us anymore.  If you come up with some stuff in the far north that you feel would benefit from my style, we can always exchange files over the net and I can overdub parts here at the house.”                          Chris Leuzinger, guitar

“Damn…” Bob Mater, drums

“Man you can’t just up and leave without us throwing a party for you !! You’re gonna be missed sir…” Tim Buppert, vocals

“Jimbo, I will miss you buddy. Always a pleasure to come sing for you…”                               Jeff Carson, vocals